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About Scene


About Scene

We are a Social Enterprise focused on strengthening communities through consultancy, research and the development of low-carbon ICT products. We work across the renewable energy, carbon management, and energy access sectors.

Founded in Edinburgh in 2011, we have built a reputation as one of UK's foremost community energy organisations and have developed a suite of ICT products which are being commercialised through affiliated companies Inclusive Energy and Farm-Hand.

Since we began, our core mandate has been to address the climate emergency through citizen-led renewable energy initiatives. We help non-specialists to understand their climate impacts and to develop their own energy solutions.

Scene has offices in Edinburgh, Liverpool and London - with projects ongoing in countries around the world. To find out more about our ongoing work and past projects, take a look at our Projects Timeline.


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Meet Our Team


Meet Our Team

Click on the images to see full biographies for our team members.


We are part of several collaborative spin out enterprises, as follows: