Title: Towards Resilience - Off-Grid Community Energy in Odisha
Dates: 2014 - 2017
This project looks to tackle the problems of technological breakdown in low-carbon technology projects in Odisha, India, using innovative ICT solutions. The project has developed into Urjaa Samadhan, an integrated ICT solution for improving last mile delivery on materials and services to off-grid users.
Over the past 20 years, projects promoting low carbon technology in the context of developing countries have struggled to facilitate the development of self-sustained regional demand and supply networks that operate free from external assistance. As a result the medium and long-term success of these projects become highly susceptible to problems surrounding maintenance and end-of-life problems. This three year project (2014-2017), funded by the Scottish Government International Development Small Grants Programme, focusses on identifying and overcoming end – of- life problems related to renewable energy technology deployed in the state of Odisha, North East India through the development of an information gateway.
We plan to keep track of progress of the project. The links below take you to blog posts and presentations about this project:
Blog post 1 - Field Trip December 2014
Presentation - Vijay Bhopal - ECCI Carbon Chat Room, Edinburgh, Feb 2015
Presentation - Vijay Bhopal - Solar Waste Conference, Nairobi, July 2015
Blog Post 2 - Field Trip August 2015
Presentation - Vijay Bhopal - Opening Address & Introduction
Presentation - Jamie Cross (UoE) - A summary of the market map, current problems and opportunities
Presentation Ashis Sahu (CLEAN) - The need to inter-organisational collaboration and networking
Blog Post 3 - Field Trip November 2015